Grub Grenade

Grub Grenade (Stratiolaelaps Scimitus) is a fantastic predator of Fungus Gnats. Stratiolaelaps are a native, soil dwelling mite. They will burrow into the soil and remain there while eating Fungus Gnat eggs, larva, and pupae. Also a predator of Root Weevils, Spring Tails, Thrips pupae, and more!

Recommended application rates:
1 teaspoon per pot for preventative use. Or 1 tablespoon per pot for curative use.

Canopy Control

Canopy Control (Fallacis) is one of the best predators available for Two-Spotted Spider Mite control. These are a foliar mite. Simply sprinkle the product on or around leaves and the mites will search out the pests. Also a predator of European Red Mite, Bamboo Mite, Eriophyid Mites, Tarsonemid Mites, and More!

Recommended application rates:
1 teaspoon for preventative use. Or 1 tablespoon for curative use.